Neusiok District Pinewood Derby

The 2025 Neusiok District will be held on Saturday, March 8th, at the Clayton Civitan Club. Registration begins at 8:00 AM and the race will begin promptly at 9:00 AM

Clayton Civitan Club
340 Mccullers St, Clayton, NC 27520

Please make sure to thoroughly read the rulebook, and register your participants accordingly. Do not deviate from this rulebook in any way, lest you risk potential disqualification for your youth participants!

Cubmasters, it is easiest if you follow these rules on a unit level prior to reaching District Competitions.

If you have questions on the rules, especially in regards to car design limitations, please reach out to Brandon Lanning as soon as possible to avoid any confusion or potential setbacks.

Best of luck to all our racers this year!! We hope to see as many of you at our District Race as possible!

File Name Description
Neusiok District Pinewood Derby Rulebook Download