OA Spring Fellowship

Nayawin RaR Lodge 296   2024 Spring Fellowship

Camp Tuscarora
March 14 - 16, 2025

Camp Address:
965 Scout Rd.
Four Oaks, NC 2752

Registration Fees:

Ordeal Candidates: $60.00 (Fees include all meals, event patch, lodge flap, OA sash, handbook, event registration, and prorated 2025 dues.)

Brotherhood Candidates: $50.00 (Fees include all meals, event patch, brotherhood sash, and registration.) $20 registration fee if you are a Gold Card member.

Event Only Registration: $30.00 (Fees include all meals, event patch, and registration.)

$15.00 LATE FEE ENFORCED for all registrations received after February 21st, and absolutely no registrations will be accepted after February 28th.


Register online at https://www.tuscarorabsa.org/admin2/eventtypes. Look for the OA Spring Fellowship.

**2025 Lodge dues of $20 must be paid to attend. They may be paid prior to, or along with your registration for the event. All adults (18+) must be current with their YPT**.

If you have a 2025 Gold card, YOU STILL NEED TO REGISTER FOR THIS EVENT online as we must plan for food and materials. Gold Card members do not need to register if they are not attending; They will still receive their event patch

When & Where

Nayawin RaR 296 2024 Spring Fellowship
Camp Tuscarora
Friday 3-14-2025 5:00 PM ET to
Sunday 3-16-2025 10:00 AM ET

For more Information Look for the OA Spring Fellowship Link.

PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS EVENT ENDS SUNDAY MORNING. Event patches will not be handed out until checkout on Sunday morning.

A BSA MEDICAL FORM parts A, B1, and B2 will be collected at registration.